About Acupuncture of Shawano
Acupuncture | Tui Na | Gua Sha | Cupping
Raul Beltran Jr. L.Ac., OTR/L, is also an occupational therapist who blends ancient traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, orthopedic acupuncture, neuro-acupuncture and modern rehabilitation techniques. His unique style blends augmented soft tissue mobilization, decompressive myofascial release, and trigger point therapy along with classical herbal, meridian, Qi, Yin, and Yang theories.
Orthopedic acupuncture expands on Chinese medicine's vast body of knowledge. Orthopedic acupuncture is a highly skilled intervention that utilizes fine, sterile, one-time use filiform needles as fine as the diameter of human hair to stimulate and repair tight bands of muscles called trigger points, musculoskeletal pain, and movement dysfunctions.
Many orthopedic acupuncture sessions utilize electrical stimulation to help stimulate the body's production of enkephalins, dopamine, and serotonin. These neuropeptides and hormones reduce pain and create a deeply calming effect. Neuro-acupuncture utilizes specific nerve pathways and/or dorsal root nerve segments to improve motor function and strength, reduce pain, and repair soft tissue damage.
Orthopedic conditions such as ligament tears, knee surgeries, shoulder surgeries, hip and knee replacement, tendonitis, repetitive injuries, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, nerve pain or dysfunction, pinched nerves, myofascial pain, pre-postsurgical rehabilitation, and a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions can benefit from Raul's unique blend of classical and modern acupuncture techniques.
Raul's purpose and mission is to help as many people as possible avoid unnecessary drugs and unnecessary surgery and help his patients achieve a harmonious balance within the neuromuscular and meridian systems, thereby achieving optimal health and wellness.
About Jiu Jitsu of Shawano
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | Muay Thai Adult (14+) | Kid’s Program (Ages 9-13)
Welcome to our family-based Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Dojo! We offer a safe and enjoyable martial arts gym, led by one of the original students at Carlson Gracie Headquarters of Chicago, the birthplace of BJJ/MMA in the Midwest. Our gym is home to the ONLY certified Carlson Gracie Black belt within a 60-mile radius. Whether you're new to BJJ, a child, or a seasoned competitor, our facility has everything you need to become a confident martial artist in BJJ. We focus on
self-defense, competitive Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, kids' Jiu Jitsu classes, and self-defense classes. Additionally, we have partnered with “Arena 365,” which provides our team access to high-quality conditioning, kettlebells, Nautilus equipment, weight training, treadmills, and much more.
We are excited to offer a unique martial arts academy with top-notch recovery options in Wisconsin. Unlike any other BJJ gym in the state, we provide acupuncture, electrical acupuncture, rehabilitation, cupping, gua sha, tui na (a form of Chinese massage), as well as herbs and nutraceuticals for your recovery needs.
We invite you to take advantage of our limited-time Grand Opening offer:
One FULL WEEK of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Don't miss out on this incredible deal!
Meet the Team
Licensed Acupuncturist
I completed my graduate studies at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. Before that, I completed my bachelor of science in Occupational Therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I specialize in orthopedic acupuncture and musculoskeletal injuries. I take great pride in alleviating both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Head Instructor
Raul Beltran Jr. OT, L.Ac. is a second degree black belt under the coral belt Carlson Gracie Jr. He was one of the original students at Carlson Gracie Headquarters in Chicago back in 1996. Raul has trained under the Carlson Gracie flag since then but as a traveling occupational therapist he had to leave his headquarters to train at other academies. He was able to train under the guidance of many world class fighters and BJJ champs. Notable instructors in which he had the great honor to train under: Carlson Gracie, Carlson Gracie Jr., Rickson Gracie, Rei Diego, Daniel Vienna, Jeff Neal, Carlos Rodriguez, Israel Reyes, John Lewis, BJ Penn, Roy Harris, Joe “Daddy” Stevenson, Rodrigo Medeiros, and Joe Soto. Raul also did seminar training under Daniel Wanderley, Cyborg, and the best BJJ competitor of all time Gordan Ryan.
Becky is a specialist in pediatric occupational therapy where she works with disabled children in the Shawano school system. Becky brings lots of fun, games and tons of excitement for the kids program. Kids enjoy her amazing patience and ability to teach in a simple way. Becky’s heart and soul lies with helping children build confidence and discipline to learn this life altering martial art called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Becky is the wife of Raul and together they bring the “Yin and Yang” of teaching styles, one hard and tough while the other is soft and gentle. Becky is really good with kids, making them feel safe and fills them with encouragement.
What they’re Saying
Visit Us
Acupuncture of Shawano
820 E Green Bay Street, Suite A
Shawano, WI 54166
(715) 470-1776